International conference Diachronic Artistic and Spatial Convergences and Divergences in the Mediterranean

April 27-29, 2023

Acropolis Museum, Athens

Free admission


The international conference Diachronic Artistic and Spatial Convergences and Divergences in the Mediterranean, organized by the Module Art-Architecture-Urban Planning and the Master of Arts Art-Cultural Heritage-Development Policies (TEP) of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), purports to explore aspects of cultural interactions in the Mediterranean world, conceived as both the sea and the lands surrounding it, through time seen as continuum. The Mediterranean is a whole world in miniature, source of endless archetypes, and seat of distinct yet intensely interacting cultures over time within a relatively small geographical space.

This huge density produces a great number of effects, aspects and dimensions. Here emphasis is placed on geographical, aesthetic, archaeological, urban planning, artistic, mythological and architectonic dimensions of these interactions, of which the following are explored:

The Aegean as seat of prehistoric culture, of geographical theory, spontaneous housing and of modern architectonic imaginations / The Aegean and aesthetic theory omissions / Αrt, archaeology, architecture and planning in the Mediterranean: styles and particular features / Geographies of travel, architecture, pilgrimage, modernism and anti-modernism / Cultural images and the experience of mythical places / Early colonialism and neoclassicism in the Mediterranean / Modern perceptions of Byzantium / Mountainous Mediterranean settlements / Renaissance artistic exchanges / Narrative in artistic interactions / Current rhetoric of the global South / Explorations of Mediterranean natural features and raw materials / Mappings of the Mediterranean / Literature and geography / Religion and space in late antiquity.

The Program of the Conference can be found here.

Day 1: 
Day 2:
Day 3:

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