Political Monuments from the 20th to the 21st Century: Memory, Form, Meaning

The volume at hand consists mainly, but not exclusively, of papers presented during the two day conference entitled Political Monuments from the 20th to the 21st Century: Memory, Form and Meaning, which took place at the Macedonian Museum of Modern Art (presently MOMus – Museum of Contemporary Art) under the auspices of the Greek Art Historians Association, the Interuniversity Postgraduate Program in Museology and Cultural Management (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and University of Western Macedonia) on November 30 and December 1, 2018.

The studies in this volume deal with the ways in which memory is being understood and managed, with the historical identity and ideology of monuments, as well as with critical questions concerning the construction of recent monuments internationally, and with the political and aesthetic reception of monuments across the Balkans in general and in Greece in particular.

This publication is highly significant, since it highlights the interest monuments hold not just within the field of art history but also for their role in the history of ideas: Monuments as ‘places of memory’ consistently require complex and multi-faceted approaches from several disciplinary points of view.

Ehimia Georgiadou-Kountoura